A Research Study of People with Disabilities Development in Brunei Towards The Development of Human Capital: A Case of Disabilities
Capital , Human, Development, Disabilities, A CaseAbstract
This research paper is the analyze and study development of People with Disability (PWD) in Brunei Darussalam and to understand government role in helping People with Disabilities (PWD) between Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore in terms of employment. The research begins with analyzing the objectives and the needs of this research to conduct. The methodology conducted using primary data and secondary data in order to get the source of data, such as conducting Interviews, distributing questionnaire survey, and through research papers, journals and articles. The questionnaire used was to get public perceptions of People with Disabilities (PWD) in Brunei. To a certain extent, the outcomes from the findings tells that not all public are aware of the government’s support for People with Disabilities (PWDs) in being employed. Overall, all the discussion shows that other countries has a better assistance towards the People with Disabilities (PWDs) compared to Brunei.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dyg Nurulsyazwany Izzaty, Dr.Junaid M.Shaikh , Dr. Mohammad Talha

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