The Mediating Role of Family Support on the Impact of Television Programs on Entrepreneurial Intentions among Students


  • Mahdi Aliyari Management Department, Business Management major, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran



Family Support, Television Programs, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Students


Entrepreneurial intention refers to the development of motivation or aspiration to initiate a business prior to its actual establishment. Within the entrepreneurship literature, entrepreneurial intention is recognized as the precursor to company creation. Entrepreneurship as a strategy for the development of countries, job creation, and welfare is considered to identify suitable opportunities and increase production. Its innovations bring demands for new products and services that were not previously available, thereby increasing the supply of new products, leading to increased employment and improved living standards for society individuals. Television programs are often seen as a useful tool for entrepreneurship. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore the mediating role of family support on the impact of television programs on entrepreneurial intentions among students. This study is considered descriptive research in terms of objectives, practicality, and data collection methods. The data gathering tool is a Likert spectrum questionnaire distributed among Isfahan province students online through the Internet and snowball sampling method, with 447 usable questionnaires being analyzed. The results show that the content of entrepreneurship television programs directly influences entrepreneurial intentions through individual attitudes, family support, perceived mental norms, and behavioral control. It also indicates  that  the  content  of  entrepreneurship  television

programs has a positive and significant impact on students' entrepreneurial intentions.


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How to Cite

Aliyari, M. (2024). The Mediating Role of Family Support on the Impact of Television Programs on Entrepreneurial Intentions among Students. International Journal of Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 1(3), 1–9.


