Investigating the Relationship between Professional Ethics and Managers' Organizational Commitment
Professional Ethics, Organizational Commitment, ManagersAbstract
Adherence to ethical principles and standards among teachers and administrators can lead to positive outcomes. Undoubtedly, moving toward achieving organizational goals and ultimately comprehensive progress depends on increasing professional ethics within organizations. Having professional ethics is considered a competitive advantage and one of the most important factors for success in any organization. This study aimed to examine the correlation between organizational ethics and professional ethics with organizational commitment among managers of knowledge-based companies. The research method was descriptive correlational, and the statistical population comprised all managers of knowledge-based companies in Isfahan province. A total of 70 participants were randomly selected based on Morgan's table. An online questionnaire was used to collect data, which included demographic information, the Petty Professional Ethics Questionnaire, and the Allen and Meyer Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient test with SPSS-27 statistical software. The research findings indicated a significant relationship between professional ethics and organizational commitment among managers.
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