Providing a Framework for Aligning Human Resource Practices with Knowledge Management Strategy in the Context of Organizational Restructuring


  • Mahdi Aliyari Management Department, Business Management major, Islamic Azad University, Central ‎Tehran Branch, Iran



Alignment, Human Resources, Knowledge Management, Structural Design


In all organizations, human resource management occupies a significant and special place, to the extent that it has been referred to as the main concern of managers. The necessity of human resource management is evident, as the productivity of human resources can be equated with the productivity of the organization, which is the very essence of an organization. In the last decade, the role of the human approach in development has received great attention from researchers. The importance of this topic can be seen in the role this factor plays in the development process. The greatest competitive advantage of countries is having a capable workforce. The aim of the present study is to provide a framework for aligning human resource practices with knowledge management strategy in the context of organizational restructuring. The research method is descriptive-correlational. The results of the research, using structural equation modeling software, showed that increasing global interactions and developing the level of companies’ engagement with their environment encourage organizations to undertake activities that lead to gaining competitive advantage and adapting to complex and dynamic environmental conditions, thus meeting current and future needs. Many companies claim that the pressures from competitive forces due to globalization are increasing, and an organization’s ability to cope with these pressures depends on their superior use of human resources. With the growth of industries and knowledge workers, the pressure on the human resources sector has intensified, posing serious challenges to organizational structure.


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How to Cite

Aliyari, M. (2024). Providing a Framework for Aligning Human Resource Practices with Knowledge Management Strategy in the Context of Organizational Restructuring. International Journal of Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, 1(4), 9–19.


